Why us?

Why choose ACOTA?

We have extensive experience in a multitude of industries, large and small, and understand the importance of balancing short-term budgets with long-term objectives. Our clients benefit from our partners’ 40+ years of experience across several industries and business life cycles. Having successfully built and reconfigured numerous finance functions we are aware of the challenges and growing pains that start-up and entrepreneurial businesses experience. We take a proactive and evolving approach to balance capability and budget.

Companies that work with us enjoy a seamless experience as we focus both on the technical aspects of our service, as well as the client experience. Using a mix of off-shore and local resources, we can tailor our approach to the specific requirements of each engagement, while leveraging the cost-savings advantage of our offshore team to the benefit of our clients.

Working with ACOTA gives our clients the cost advantages of lower-cost offshore resources coupled with the support and insight from our highly experienced team.

How can your business benefit from our service offerings?

All businesses require the minimum of a basic bookkeeping service, with more complex needs in demand as they move up from bookkeeping to CFO services. One thing is certain, our clients value the effectiveness and benefits they derive from the finance functions we provide.

Preparing start-ups

Businesses that are starting up come to us for a basic accounting system. We know that start-ups typically work with limited budgets and we can provide the most effective solution to balance their books and finance operations. We take on responsibilities during the set-up stage and work with the client through the lifecycle of their business. We continue working with entrepreneurs and their management teams to build functionality and capability as the business grows in scale and complexity.

For clients who are starting off and do not have the budget or need for a full-time finance lead, ACOTA can work alongside you to design and build the systems and tools you need to make informed decisions. Our offshore capability enables us to provide a cost-effective solution to maintain the systems and produce the reports and analytics you require. We free you up to focus on your core business, while ensuring you are getting the right data and advice along the way.

Planning for exit

ACOTA seeks to partner with clients actively looking to build investment-grade, exit-ready businesses. Our Transaction Advisory services will help you plan and execute your desired outcome.

Preparations for a successful exit start long before prospective sellers and buyers start discussions. Established businesses that have started thinking about a potential exit scenario will need to curate their Management Information Systems (MIS) to help management deliver growth and demonstrate to potential investors the business’ achievements, as well as opportunities that lie ahead. Clients will also need to prepare themselves for the scrutiny of a due diligence process.

Even mature and established businesses can struggle with capacity constraints during a transaction as their teams continue to look after their day-to-day functions, as well as the extra requirements of a transaction.

Moreover, clients may not have the capabilities to maximise the outcome of a transaction as the skill set of negotiation and managing a transaction are different from the daily operations of a finance function. We provide our clients with options such as:

Long-term resources to build and maintain best-in-class finance functions

Short-term resources to provide additional capacity through a transaction

Valuable experience in mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Speak to one of our partners if you are seeking assistance with commercial negotiations and financial due diligence through a Sale and Purchase Process.

Streamlining finance functions

Any organisation that loses their CFO or head of finance may be experiencing difficulties with the new change. We can evaluate the company’s finance function and recommend remedies to ensure a smoother transition.

Creating cost savings

Even the best-run finance organisations in Australia can benefit from the cost-savings advantage that comes from outsourced solutions. Clients who are looking for margin improvements will find value from offshoring one or more roles to India. With technology today and our staff adaptable toworking to Australian hours, clients can achieve significant savings with gains in service delivery.

What sets ACOTA apart?

Our practical skill set and broad industry experience with qualifications from various professional associations and solid foundations in management accounting and finance.

We effectively tailor programs to your back-office team with our access to a wide network of professional service providers.

We are an agile team that provides flexible commercial arrangements with consultants who can support you on a project basis or through the full lifecycle of your business.

We go beyond general compliance activities. Our CFO and Transaction Advisory knowledge transforms finance into a value-added function for our clients.

We offer considerable insight and experience across various regions, including Australia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Middle East

We are able to deliver cost savings for our clients by complementing offshore resources with local talent.